Attending a Whitmer football game was a great experience


My husband and I attended a Whitmer High School football game recently.

We want to commend the students, faculty, and parents on the pride and enthusiasm they have in this school. It was a very enjoyable evening.

The halftime show was as good as the game. The Whitmer band has to be one of the best in the area. It was nice to see so many well-behaved students attend and participate in the football season.

Kudos to all associated with this fine school. They should be proud.




Panthers deserve more

I am the water boy for the Whitmer Panthers football team and I don't think it's right that Whitmer only gets a few inches of a story on the fourth page for beating St. John's, while Whitmer's old coach and quarterback gets a story plus a picture.

You'd think when two Toledo powerhouses play, it would be bigger news.




Thanks Saevig, Schmakel

Thank you do Dave Hackenberg and The Blade for the coverage and comments about the new Alumni Pavillion at the University of Toledo.

As much as this new addition to the campus is a tribute to the prestigious alumni and to the university, it is also a tribute to the person who has strengthened and enhanced the connection between the two that is needed to make this beautiful type of structure possible -- alumni director Dan Saevig.

Dan has filled the shoes of his predecessor -- long time alumni director Ed Schmakel with energy, devotion, and integrity by reaching out to alumni, bringing them into the university community, and for many of us -- being the face of the University.

This pavillion is the lengthened shadow of Ed Schmakel and Dan Saevig and we alumni honor their dedication, service, and outstanding representation of the University of Toledo.


UT class of 1982
