NWOAL : Liberty Center grinds out yards to stop Delta


Lib­erty Center 42,Delta 12

DELTA — Sean West­ho­ven ran for three touch­down and 157 yards for Lib­erty Center, which gave up just 100 yards to Delta.

West­ho­ven scored on runs of 12 and nine yards in the first quar­ter, then scored on a 16-yard run in the sec­ond quar­ter to help Lib­erty Center (7-2, 5-2) take a 35-12 lead at half­time.

An­thony Righi scored two touch­downs and had 14 car­ries for 121 yards and caught two passes for 26 yards. Jimmy Spi­eth scored a touch­down and had four tack­les for Lib­erty Center.

Ja­cob Will­son and Cody Mat­thews scored for Delta (2-7, 1-6), and quar­ter­back Jef­frey McQuil­len fin­ished 1-for-10 pass­ing. McQuil­len’s only com­ple­tion was a 55-yard touch­down to Mat­thews in the sec­ond quar­ter.

Ever­green 35,Mont­pe­lier 21

METAMORA — Matt Tay­lor rushed for 224 yards on 11 car­ries and scored three touch­downs for the Vikings, in­clud­ing an 89-yard run in the fourth quar­ter to break at 21-21 tie.

Tay­lor scored on a 64-yard run in the sec­ond quar­ter, then scored on a 47-yard run in the third quar­ter. Mitch Carter scored two TDs for Ever­green (5-4, 4-3), which had 342 yards rush­ing.

Mont­pe­lier’s Cody Caud­ill had two touch­down catches (7 and 17 yards) from Tyler Ben­ner.

Ben­ner had 23 car­ries for 182 yards for the Lo­co­mo­tives (2-7, 1-6), who fin­ished with 291 to­tal yards.

Patrick Henry 35,Waynes­field-Goshen 0

WAYNESFIELD — Tobey Her­nan­dez ran 13 times for 133 yards and two touch­downs, and the de­fense did the rest in a road shut­out.

Adam Prigge scored the first touch­down for Patrick Henry (7-2) with a seven-yard run. Her­nan­dez then scored twice in the sec­ond quar­ter as the Patri­ots led 20-0 at half­time.

Gabe Jones added a 15-yard TD run in the third quar­ter, and Bran­don Cole fol­lowed with a five-yard TD in the fourth to com­plete the scor­ing.

Patrick Henry fin­ished with 316 yards rush­ing on 48 car­ries. The Patri­ots also held Waynes­field-Goshen to only one yard rush­ing on 34 at­tempts and 33 yards pass­ing