MAC honors Samuel


BOWLING GREEN — Bowl­ing Green State Univer­sity soph­o­more run­ning back An­thon Samuel was named Mid-Amer­i­can Con­fer­ence East Divi­sion of­fen­sive player of the week, the league an­nounced Mon­day.

Samuel ran for a ca­reer-high 181 yards and scored a pair of touch­downs in the Fal­cons’ 26-14 win at Ohio on Nov. 7. Samuel car­ried the ball a ca­reer-high 29 car­ries and fin­ished the game with a 6.2 yard per carry av­er­age.

On the sea­son Samuel has car­ried the ball 157 times for 906 yards and 10 touch­downs in nine games. Samuel ranks ninth in the MAC in rush­ing with his av­er­age of 100.7 yards per game.

This is the sixth time this sea­son a Fal­con has been hon­ored by the MAC, with BG hav­ing re­ceived MAC East de­fen­sive player of the week hon­ors five times. Se­nior Chris Jones has won the award three dif­fer­ent times, while Ry­land Ward and Dwayne Woods have each been hon­ored once.