‘Motor City Madman’ sparks lively debate


Matt Markey's recent outdoors column described Ted Nugent as a voice of sometimes rational thought on the gun control/gun safety debate. But he conveniently avoided any of Nugent's most outrageous moments. Mr. Markey concluded that “Motor City Madman just doesn't seem to fit anymore.” Very wrong.

In 2007, Nugent said, “I think President Barack Hussein Obama should be put in jail. I told him to suck on my machine gun.” In 2012, Nugent said, “If Barack Obama becomes president again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.” This comment earned Nugent a visit from the Secret Service. In between 2007 and 2012, Nugent has made countless equally offensive comments about women and minorities that can't even be printed here. A true patriotic American, Nugent admittedly dodge the Vietnam draft by not bathing for weeks and defecating in his pants to appear crazy.

Mr. Markey's most tone deaf comment in defense of a rational Nugent was, “Nugent comes to the microphone well-armed ... He's said some prickly things at times.” Poor analogy on being “well-armed” and threatening the President just might go beyond the definition of “prickly.”

I suggest Mr. Markey do some more research on Nugent, who indeed is still the “Motor City Madman.” I am a supporter of hunting, recreational shooting, and the second amendment. But I do not advocate softening Ted Nugent to bolster gun rights.



I wanted to thank Matt Markey for an insightful Sunday column. I think he hit the nail on the head in regards to the intransigence on both sides of the issue. I think that every sane person finds these mass shootings abhorrent, including gun supporters like myself.

I agree with Nugent's view that we have a "Mad Man" problem, though I think this could have been stated more delicately. Life just doesn't seem to be held in as high regard as it used to be, and that is where I think we need some thought too. Maybe God in schools wasn't such a bad thing after all.

Your very well-written column gives me some optimism relative to the hope for a rational discussion on how best to approach this problem.



Will Matt Markey please provide the statistics and studies he claims support his assertion that “99.9 percent of the gun owners of America are … perfectly safe, perfectly harmless, wonderful, loving, giving, generous, caring people.”

It seems to me that hundreds of thousands of prisoners presently under lock and key in America for gun crimes already outnumber the 0.1 percent in question. Not to mention many gun owners running around free are demonstrably less than saints.

If Mr. Markey wants to turn his sports column into a right-wing speech stump, his unsupported claims need to face the same scrutiny that mainstream political journalists do. And, incidentally, anyone like Ted Nugent who threatens the life of the President of the United States, even indirectly, isn't working very hard to demonstrate that he's playing with a full box of crayons.



Hats off to The Blade editors for letting Matt Markey say anything good about Ted Nugent.

Mr. Nugent probably wouldn't want it but maybe changing the moniker “Motor City Madman” to “Congressman” would be appropriate. Although he would probably be ignored or scorned like most other longhairs that have made their way to D.C. This could be one of the few times an artist turned representative would be a good thing.




Applaud young wrestler’s decision

I applaud young Felipe Martinez's ability to show depth of personality, wisdom, and maturity in his decision to end his wrestling career for his family.

Here is a young man with obvious talent, who has also shown that he has something rare in many people who claim to be adults, the ability to sort out that which is important to him as a human being and to know the direction he wishes to follow.

To his critics, you are the asterisk. You have shown your immaturity and self-centeredness. You are the epitome of much of our society that values glory, fame, and the latest trophy over real accomplishment and being.

This is a young man that, if he chooses to continue the direction he is going, will be a wonderful teacher and coach. If he chooses something else, I have no doubt his impact will be great and long lasting.

Mr. Martinez, you have much to be proud of, and I am positive your family shares that pride and love of you.

