Heidi Montag's 'obsession' with plastic surgery


"...as human beings we are capable of making sense of situations based on the thinnest slice of experience."

Malcolm Gladwell, author of Blink and The Tipping Point.

SUPERFICIAL INDEED: Heidi Montag, who is well-known for being well-known, said she had 10 plastic surgeries. In one day. Doesn't this strike everyone as being just a tad unabalanced? She actually "shopped" for body parts. At the same time she's supposed to be Christian and while we at Thin Slices are not theologians -- far, far from it -- isn't there supposed to be something about being created in God's image? If so... well, we'll let you fill in the punch line. All we'll say is that the title of Heidi's CD is "Superficial." We're guessing it's autobiographical. RL

STICK A FORK IN IT: American Idol is doomed... unless of course this "I'm taking my snarky attitude and nasty streak and going home!" thing is all just a ploy by Simon Cowell to breathe life into the wheezy reality show. Meanwhile, Ellen DeGeneres is sad to see him go. We're sure she is: no one likes to see the golden goose waddling out of the room. Lots of Twittering ensued. RL

BOOM: That was the sound of Spider-Man crashing to earth. Actor Tobey Maguire, who played the superhero, is out and so is director Sam Raimi and the whole thing looks a bit kaput. RL

HOW FAR THEY FALL: Jay Leno went from being the successor to Johnny Carson with a rock solid niche on late night TV to being considered a flameout and tossed under the bus with Joan Rivers and Magic Johnson. That stings. The problem: the geniuses at NBC thought it would be wise to move Jay out of his normal 11:30 slot into 10 p.m., which didn't work. This of course ceded the high ground to David Letterman because, really, if your choice is Conan O'Brien or David Letterman, who are you tuning into? Couple that with NBC's generally weak programming and you're talking ratings disaster. Oh, and Conan might take his coffee cup and go home. RL

Rod Lockwood


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