Behind the scenes at Facebook


" human beings we are capable of making sense of situations based on the thinnest slice of experience."

Malcolm Gladwell, author of Blink and The Tipping Point.

IT'S EVERYWHERE: The ubiquity of Facebook is undeniable and it occupies an increasingly all-encompassing place in our culture. It's the ultimate social networking site -- at least for now -- and it's free. It seems like everyone under 40 is on Facebook and at the same time its very existence seems to deeply offend certain people. Perhaps they're bothered by the fact that it is so popular. Or maybe it's the inherent banality in so many of the posts. Whatever the case, a new book about Facebook sheds light on its founders and how it really works. Here's a review. RL

HE'S SAFE: If you haven't heard already, umpire Jim Joyce made a colossal bad call in the Tigers versus Indians game Tuesday night that cost former Mud Hen Armando Gallaragga a perfect game. Oh, man, this is a bad one. At Thin Slices we think there's an obvious solution to this sort of thing, which is technology. It's 2010 so why not introduce replay into baseball and if an ump gets something wrong, it's overturned? Isn't it far more important to get the call right than to live with mistakes that could be easily fixed by accepting that we live in an era when that doesn't happen? Kudos to the ump, Jim Joyce, a Toledo native, for manning up after the game and taking responsibility for the call. RL

WATCH YOUR STEP: A Utah woman is suing Google maps for $100,000 because the Web site gave her walking directions that put her on a busy highway. The result? She was hit by a car and now says it's all Google's fault for telling her the wrong way to walk. RL

FINALLY!!!!!: This three-minute description of Lost, complete with Post-It notes goes a long way toward explaining the popular television show and is more clear than just about anything we saw in mainstream papers. It actually makes it seem interesting. RL

Rod Lockwood


Week 1 Slices, Week 2 Slices, Week 3 Slices, Week 4 Slices, Week 5 Slices, Week 6 Slices, Week 7 Slices, Week 8 Slices, Week 9 Slices, Week 10 Slices, Week 11 Slices, Week 12, Week 13, Week 14, Week 15, Week 16, Week 17, Week 18, Week 19, Week 20, Week 21, Week 22, Week 23,Week 24,Week 25, Week 26, Week 27, Week 28, Week 29, Week 30, Week 31, Week 32, Week 33, Week 34, Week 35, Week 36, Week 37, Week 38, Week 39, Week 40, Week 41, Week 42, Week 43, Week 44, Week 45, Week 46, Week 47, Week 48, Week 49, Week 50, Week 51, Week 52, Week 53, Week 54, Week 55, Week 56, Week 57, Week 58, Week 59, Week 60, Week 61, Week 62, Week 63, Week 64, Week 65, Week 66, Week 67, Week 68, Week 69, Week 70, Week 71, Week 72, Week 73, Week 74, Week 75, Week 76, Week 77, Week 78, Week 79, Week 80, Week 81, Week 82, Week 83, Week 84, Week 85, Week 86, Week 87,Week 88, Week 89, Week 90, Week 91