The weird world of Bill Murray


" human beings we are capable of making sense of situations based on the thinnest slice of experience."

Malcolm Gladwell, author of Blink and The Tipping Point.

'BILL BEING BILL': It's been 30 years since Caddyshack and it's safe to say that any reasonable prediction back then of Bill Murray's career arc would've been that he'd forever be stuck in goofy comedies. Kind of like Chevy Chase. Murray zigged instead of zagged, though, and he's carved out an endlessly intriguing string of oddball movies, bizzarro appearances, and just plain odd behavior. This Time magazine story explains some of the madness on the eve of his latest movie Get Low. RL

Rod Lockwood


Week 1 Slices, Week 2 Slices, Week 3 Slices, Week 4 Slices, Week 5 Slices, Week 6 Slices, Week 7 Slices, Week 8 Slices, Week 9 Slices, Week 10 Slices, Week 11 Slices, Week 12, Week 13, Week 14, Week 15, Week 16, Week 17, Week 18, Week 19, Week 20, Week 21, Week 22, Week 23,Week 24,Week 25, Week 26, Week 27, Week 28, Week 29, Week 30, Week 31, Week 32, Week 33, Week 34, Week 35, Week 36, Week 37, Week 38, Week 39, Week 40, Week 41, Week 42, Week 43, Week 44, Week 45, Week 46, Week 47, Week 48, Week 49, Week 50, Week 51, Week 52, Week 53, Week 54, Week 55, Week 56, Week 57, Week 58, Week 59, Week 60, Week 61, Week 62, Week 63, Week 64, Week 65, Week 66, Week 67, Week 68, Week 69, Week 70, Week 71, Week 72, Week 73, Week 74, Week 75, Week 76, Week 77, Week 78, Week 79, Week 80, Week 81, Week 82, Week 83, Week 84, Week 85, Week 86, Week 87,Week 88, Week 89, Week 90, Week 91, Week 92, Week 93, Week 94,Week 95