Here's how you can help Graham Parker make a documentary


" human beings we are capable of making sense of situations based on the thinnest slice of experience."

Malcolm Gladwell, author of Blink and The Tipping Point.

STILL SQUEEZING OUT SPARKS: Graham Parker has long been a Thin Slices hero. For going on 30-plus years the guy has churned out some incredible music and he just keeps doing it. Think not? Then check out "Imaginary Television" or "Don't Tell Columbus" and get back to us. He also gave an exceptional performance in Bowling Green at the Black Swamp Festival a few years ago. Now there's a documentary being made about the singer/songwriter and you can help make it happen. Interesting strategy and we're hoping it works. RL

HEEEEEERE'S JOHNNY (AGAIN): Long before Jay and Dave and Conan were acting out their dramas, there was this fellow named Johnny Carson who ruled late night television. He was funny, he was smart and, most of all, he was cool. Old folks like him, college kids dug his sarcastic humor, and he was frankly a lot better than the guys who came after him. You can find out for yourself with this new Web site where a lot of his old routines have been gathered. It's a hoot. RL

LEAVE IT TO BIEBER: First, we were just dying to say that. Seems that young Justin got hacked at off at a Detroit-area lad and gave him the what-for in a

Twitter prank, posting the kid's number for a few million followers to see. After 26,000 text messages, the boy shut down his phone number and Twitter account. The 15-year-old said Bieber was exacting some kind of revenge on him in a titter-tatter move. The moral: never mess with a wimpy teeny-bopper (that's old school lingo, kids) who's packing a robust Twitter account. Tweet that, sucker!!!! RL

Rod Lockwood


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