Jon Stewart provides the voice of reason regarding Arizona shootings


" human beings we are capable of making sense of situations based on the thinnest slice of experience."

Malcolm Gladwell, author of Blink and The Tipping Point.

VOICE OF REASON: As usual Jon Stewart steps up to the plate to provide a reasonable reaction to the events of the day. It's easy to have a knee-jerk reaction to things like the horrific Arizona shootings, but reality is often far more complex and nuanced than we want it to be, which he points out quite well here. And in the meantime, perhaps our politicians and so-called pundits ought to just shut up for awhile. Maybe the people at MSNBC and Fox could try something really novel and spend an evening each dissecting what's good about the other side's stands and introduce some reality or intelligence into the marketplace of ideas. How novel. And how unlikely. RL

HEADS UP: If you were looking forward to the History channel's take on The Kennedys -- starring Toledo native Katie Holmes as Jackie -- you're going to have to wait. For reasons that are unclear but that some wags say is the result of pressure from the Kennedy family, History has said it won't air the eight-hour miniseries0. But it will be shown in Canada and overseas and there's a chance a U.S. network could pick it up. Interesting. RL

Rod Lockwood


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